Friday, 1 July 2016

Wise up

"It’s my life, It’s my time, no one should tell me what to do", says the foolish son of man. Do you know the breath that you boast about is actually a loan to you so that you can make amends for that which was lost from the beginning.

Yahweh's aim was to share His breath with us in oneness, in truth and in spirit with one thought and one life for eternity. This plan has been lost to the sons of man, when man started to pursue that which does not bring him to the plan of Yahweh but drive him away from it (Jeremiah 29:11).

Even when the Messiah prayed to ABBA Yah he prayed for the same plan of oneness. It is written{23 I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected in one; and that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them, even as You loved Me. {John 17:23HRB}What a glorious offer on the table for the son of man which angels were never offered. It is written {4 what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him? 5 For You have made him lack a little from Elohim; and have crowned him with glory and honor {Psalm 8:4-5HRB} Even during the creation of man Yahweh did not give us any breath different from His as it was and still His desire that we are in Him and Him in us. (1John 4:4) It is written {7 And YAHWEH Elohim formed the man from the dust of the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul {Genesis 2:7HRB}

This was Yahweh's plan for oneness until man used his breath, just as today to seeking his own enlightenment outside the parameters drawn by Yahweh of which Yahweh intended man to live forever in partnership with Him.

But man wanted to enjoy both side of the equation, wanting to enjoy the breath from Yahweh but live independent from Him. Just like today man need so much blessings and good health from Yahweh but do not want to fellowship and obey Him. If man is to fellowship then he demands that it must be at his own term not Elohim. How foolish are you son of man? Just imagine every time you breathe in you receive the breath from Yahweh, and when you breathe out, you give it back to Yahweh. This process carries on, until the Giver of breath holds the breath back and then you are dead.

Death out of Yahweh 's will is eternal death as Yahweh will hold His breath from you forever. We need a wakeup call my brethren, meaning we are living on borrowed breath. Sadly enough many do not consider that fact. Have you ever heard anyone who died in an inhaling position? Not at all.

All and everything living dies in exhaling position have you ever thought of that? That entire means is we are living on borrowed breath. So my brethren, what are you doing today this hour this minute and this second with your borrowed breath? If Yahweh was to withhold His breath from you today will it just be for a while as in "asleep" according to the scriptures or will be in the "Lake of Fire " eternal death? Remember it is written "He comes like a thief" (Revelations 16:15).

If you say I will praise Him tomorrow what if He withholds His breath from you today without you confessing your sins, without forgiving your brethren, without you honoring your parents, without you loving your spouse without you teaching your children the way to grow up in Yahweh? There is no praises from the grave {17 The dying do not praise YAHWEH, nor all those who go down into silence {Psalm 115:17HRB}

Remember it is written {29 You hide Your face, and they are troubled; You gather their breath, and they expire and return to their dust {Psalm 104:29HRB} Remember also its written {4 Behold, they are all My souls. As the soul of the father, also the soul of the son, they are mine. The soul that sins, it shall die {Ezekiel 18:4HRB} which soul are you the one that dies or the one that live.

 My brethren, wise up!

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