To you Mr. Preacher man, you have told your congregates that if they do not tithe they will not be blessed, but you have deliberately omitted the word which says {Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not of grief or of necessity, for Elohim loves a joyous giver {2Corinthians 9:7TS}You have failed to teach the importance of love, forgiveness and repentance now your church is full of the feel good Gospel's cheerers, unloving, unforgiving, unrepeated, unsaved, unbelieving, spiritually dead due to your deliberate omission of the word of truth. Yet you know very well that the scriptures say {But if you will not forgive men their transgressions, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions Matthew 6:15HRB} You have told the people that we are saved by Grace through Faith, but omitting to tell them that faith without works is dead (James 2:17) You have turned the supposedly House of ABBA Yah into a den of thieves. You have placed speed points and ATM Machines in the sanctuary to rob people their hard earned money.
Selling to them your merchandise such as Holy Waters, Anointing Oils and other Religious Memorabilia. Shamelessly some brings the so called new and improved Anointing Oils to the gullible and weak in discerning the truth. What is the new ingredient that you have put in it which has improved these new and improved oils? Does your "Set-Apart Spirit" lose power from time to time hence the need of the improvement in the oil, you man of the hour, man of power, "Man of God"? Are you aware you are taking people back to idolatry by making them put their trust in a "Miracle in a Bottle" leading them like sheep to the slaughter? You preach to people to trust in your God in all things but when it comes to you, your trust is in bulletproof cars and human bodyguards.
Is this not hypocrisy beloved "Man of God”? Where is your faith that you preach day and night? Are you aware of the word of our Messiah which says {28 and you should not fear the ones killing the body, but not being able to kill the soul. But rather fear Him being able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna {Matthew 10:28HRB} who are you afraid of more, man or your God, "Man of God”.
You have allowed divorces among your congregates fooling them with words such as "God wants you to be happy" and encouraged them to put their trust and source of happiness which by the way is illusionary as they are led by the lust of the flesh, in the hands of men in courts, when the Scriptures say {Does anyone of you having a matter against his brother dare to be judged before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy to judge small affairs? {1Corinthians 6:1-2HRB} Are you aware of the word which states that, what Yahweh has put together in a marriage covenant let no man put apart? (Mark 10:9) Are the courts not manned by men? Does your God change due to circumstances, considering Yahweh's word which specifically says "I hate divorce"? (Malachi 2:16) The Scriptures teaches long-suffering could the marital problems your congregates are facing a way that Satan is trying those you are encourage to divorce, making him a winner and the Set-Apart Spirit a failure in the process and the word of Yahweh conditional? You have allowed unclean spirits in the sanctuary of the living Elohim due to your love of money by ignoring those that live unholy life because they are big tithers. You have allowed in your midst those who are cohabiting and homosexual without correcting them from this spirit of fornication and lust. Mr. Preacher man the word of God rebukes you.
It is written {Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened graves which outwardly indeed appear beautiful, but within are full of bones of the dead, and of all uncleanness {Matthew 23:27HRB}Repent My brother whilst you have a chance and do the right thing because the time is so near and He is Coming Soon like a thief. Remember we who teach will be judged more strictly. (James
Friday, 1 July 2016
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Are You Following A True Religion In Giving?
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