Saturday, 11 June 2016

You Should Make Your Girlfriend Your Wife (8 Signs)

Lets just go straight to the point by giving you the points which you need to know

1. You are incredibly happy to see her
 If seeing your lady fills your heart with everlasting joy, you need to make sure you get to see her every single day (aka marry her).

2. She does not take herself too seriously
If she can laugh at herself, she is probably the kind of person who can shrug off mistakes and move on, which is a pretty great trait to have in a future spouse.

3. You want to be her kids’ dad
If you want to father her children, you should probably marry her. Also, if she is the kind of woman you want to mother your children, that is a great sign as well.

4. She cooks amazing pancakes
If your lady has some kind of special talent like pancake art, do not think you are going to find someone as awesome somewhere else. You are lucky to be with her and all her special traits.

5. She is smart
If your girl has a quick wit that takes her places but keeps you on your toes, she is a keeper.

6. You love her when she is crazy
You do not have to be super attracted to her when she is being a terror. But if you still love her when everything terrible is happening, you need to marry her.

7. She loves you too
If she loves you as well, this is the lady you are looking for.

8. You can not imagine life without her
If you go dead trying to imagine a future without her in it, just wife her already.
Enough said, what are you waiting for?

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