Friday, 1 July 2016

Are You A Miracle Monger ?

Is your deity short of miracles or you residing in a spiritually bad coverage area? Do you have to go to a higher place to receive miracles, like cell phone network in a bad coverage area?

If your faith is as small as a mustard seed wouldn't you be able to uproot a sycamore tree according to the scriptures? Or you need someone else’s to move your mountain for you contrary to the word? My brethren Yahweh our Elohim only operates through His word. Hence it is written "Without faith it is impossible to please Him ".
 If you have faith can you really board a plane to a far-far land in order to get miracles from a "Man of God" there? Is your trust in "Miracles in a bottle" thing? Yes that "Man of God" is not omnipresent.

Is your deity also not omnipresent or it’s a question of not having faith? What is having faith? We read an example of having faith from a centurion in the scriptures. Do you have such faith? It is written {5 And Yahshua, entering into Capernaum, a centurion came near to Him, begging Him, 6 and saying, Master, my child has been laid in the house, paralyzed and seriously in pain. 7 And Yahshua said to him, I will come and heal him. 8 And answering, the centurion said, Master, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only speak a word and my child will be healed. 9 For I am also a man under authority, having soldiers under myself. And I say to this one, Go; and he goes; and to another, Come; and he comes; and to my slave, do this; and he does it.

10 And hearing, Yahshua marveled, and said to those following, Truly I say to you, not even in Israel did I find such faith {Matthew 8:5-10HRB}The man trusted that the healing of her daughter was not hindered by distance as long as the word of YahShua goes forth as it was backed by Yahweh who is omnipresent. My brethren be careful to worship "man making miracle" than believing the Word of Yahweh wherever you are. Here is my testimony: There was a time in my life I was seriously financially disadvantage by the God of this world. I called upon Yahweh for deliverance. I needed R4300 as it was of extremely importance; I prayed Yahweh's word that says "Never again shall my people be shamed". I then said "Father I will not beg, borrow or ask anyone for you said never again shall my people be shamed. You said you will meet me at every point of my need. Here I am in need right now." Yahweh answered me the very next day. But the answer comes through my partner she suggested that I go and check our bank account if there was money in the account.
 I was offended as I thought my partner was mocking me, as she very well knew the predicament we were both in. I asked her if she did put money in the account, she replied negative. I then ignored her word not knowing it was not hers, but the answer to my prayer. For the next four days I was in agony in anticipation of a miracle and everyday she would make the same suggestion to a deaf ear. Until on the day the money was due I then said in my heart let me just go to the ATM and check and shut her up once and for all. When I did I found out that although my account was overdrawn the bank had reversed all the charges and there was a deposit of exactly the amount we needed done four days earlier. I called my partner to tell her she "freaked out" more than me, yet she is the one whom Yahweh answered me through. I was stubborn, I judged the messenger not the message. How often do we ask and Yahweh answers but we want the answer to come in a particular way by a specific person in line with our own way of thinking thereby not taking advantage of the miracle.
 Then we go seeking it in far-far places instead of just listening to His Word. Wherever we are our miracle is right next to us when the Word of Yahweh come forth. It cannot be hindered by distance or circumstances or package. Because He is alive in us and greater is He as He lives in us than the one in far-far places. My brethren Yahweh is performing miracles even today but are you ready to receive it are you ready to accept the messenger carrying the miracle or the package the miracle is packaged? If not you are very far from receiving one. Hence you are searching from Ministry to Ministry from crusade to crusade making you a miracle junk. Don’t look gift horses in the mouth otherwise you will miss your miracle.
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