Tuesday 14 February 2017

Valentine: What Should be Your Reply if Someone Wish you Happy Valentine?

Valentine photos

Today being Valentine celebration, Someone called me this morning to make an enquiry about something, and the first thing he said was ''happy Val'', at my end, muttered something I did not even understand. Because, honestly I did not know what to reply.

After the call, I felt this awkward feeling, I could not say ''I wish you love'' because, is not what you wish somebody, but what you give someone.

Please friends, help me out here, if someone tells you happy Val, what would be your reply?
Thank you!

No Man Has Ever Caused Me The Kind Of Pain I Felt When I Got Fired

More often than not, a broken heart is related with an extreme separation. However, for me, no relationship I have ever had was as difficult to lose as my association with my employment. I was a glad (yet unimaginably focused on) worker at my previous work environment for a considerable length of time, however that all changed when I was let go one day. Despite the fact that I have since proceeded onward to greater and better things, I will always remember exactly the amount it hurt to lose an occupation I would cherished to such an extent.


I am not an obsessive worker, but rather I do empty myself into all that I do. My occupation was a gigantic piece of my life. I took pride in what I did, and I had enormous objectives made arrangements for my future with the organization. When I got let go, it had a craving for all that I'd done had quite recently gone to waste, similar to years of tossing my absolute entirety into my working environment had been flushed down the deplete.


I could never assert the be the ideal representative, yet I realize that my dull execution towards the finish of my work was an immediate consequence of the poisonous environment my associates and I were subjected to. We were all working crazy hours for a supervisor who truly exploited us and just gave negative criticism. After I was "let go", I realized that I was in an ideal situation far from that place, however I likewise encountered a considerable measure of the enduring imcould not would learned about when I would gotten of a sincerely oppressive relationship years earlier… and it was not a nice sentiment.


When I was given the explanations behind why I was let go, I could not get them out of my head. My cerebrum would not concentrate on all the immense things I would accomplished for my (previous) place of work — it simply rehashed all the negative criticism I would ever gotten again and again and over again. It is no big surprise I experienced serious difficulties myself move down.


For quite a long time, I would spent my mornings, evenings, and evenings totally centered around my work. When I woke up the day in the wake of being let go, I felt lost. I did not comprehend what to do. I connected for new occupations, clearly, however simply like you miss messaging your accomplice after you separate, I ended up missing the little ordinary things I would developed so usual to doing at work.


It is one thing when you do not attempt and after that things definitely break apart, however it harms on an entire other level when you do all that you can regardless you get thumped down. After I got the boot, I really wanted to think  that i have given my everything despite everything it was not sufficient, would i say i was quite recently bound to come up short for whatever is left of my life? I should have realized that better things were not too far off, yet at the time, whatever I could consider was the way unworthy I was as a worker.


After I could say a final farewell to past sweethearts, I generally felt a void that they would abandoned. The same was genuine when I lost my employment.

There was a monstrous enthusiastic space that my occupation had once filled. It simply the work itself, yet the silly discussions I could imparted to my collaborators and the fulfillment I escaped knowing I would effectively finished a venture. With the greater part of that gone, I felt just as a piece of me had been tore out.


This was the first occasion when I would ever been terminated, and for a stickler like me, it was super humiliating. I would not like to tell anybody what had happened in light of the fact that it implied conceding that I could f*cked up so gravely that my supervisor thought I was not even worth attempting to "settle." Since i would never experienced something like this, and it was without a doubt the most gutting part of the entire procedure.


It is abnormal that a position of work could give you trust issues, yet that is precisely what transpired. Since I would never gotten any notice that I would botched up enough to put my employment at stake, getting terminated came as an entire astonishment to me. Indeed, even as I proceeded onward and discovered different occupations, I generally needed to check in with my new managers to ensure that I was making a decent showing with regards to, that I would not have been managing the blow of being terminated once more on any given day. I started to feel insane, similar to a young lady who always experiences her beau's telephone since her ex undermined her. Notwithstanding when I had no motivation to be stressed over my business status, despite everything I steeled myself consistently for the likelihood that consistently may be my last day at work.

Friday 1 July 2016

Are You Following A True Religion In Giving?

True religion is built on the word and action which is Faith and Belief.

It is written {15 But if a brother or a sister is n*ked and may be lacking in daily food,16 and any one of you say to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, but does not give them the things the body needs, what gain is it? 17 So also faith, if it does not have deeds, is dead being by itself {James 2:14-17HRB}

My brethren how many times do we sin by not acting on the knowledge that our brother needs food or clothes. Instead we become religious as we pray, "May You provide for those who don’t have".
 Yet you throw food in the bin week in and week out. How will GOD provide for them when you, whom He entrusted to take care of your brother is not doing it? It is written {17 Therefore, to anyone knowing to do good, and not doing it, it is sin to him {James 4:17HRB}

Some hide under tithing to the church as the reason why they cannot give as they give to the church. My brother’s can you show me where God said, "I came and you did not Tithe to the church". There is none but {42 For I hungered, and you did not give Me a thing to eat. I thirsted and you did not give Me a thing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not take Me in; n*ked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me {Matthew 25:42-43}.

When they inquired when did they not give assistance to him? Christ answered, "If you did not do it to one of your brethren you did not do it to me" (Matthew 25:45) True worshipers are seen by doing things for their brethren for no personal gain.

Are you a true worshiper my brethren? True religion is not going to church and get hyped-up by a preacher with no action, hearing, and hearing and more hearing. You leave the church saying that was so powerful but no action from that powerful message. It is written {22 But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 Because if anyone is a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, this one is like a man studying his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he studied himself, and has gone away, and immediately he forgot how he looked. 25 But the one looking into the perfect Law of liberty, and continuing in it, this one not having become a hearer of the word which can be forgotten, but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in his labor.
 26 And if anyone thinks that he ministers to Elohim, and does not restrain his tongue, he deceives his own heart, and his service is in vain. 27 Pure and holy service before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world {James 1:22-27HRB}This is In contrast to the false religion where people goes bragging and showing off what they have been blessed with, be it new cars, new houses or new dresses on the pretext of a testimony.
Some even use the opportunity to gossip about others in form of prayer points as pointed out by my lovely sister Uju from Nigeria.

The Kingdom of God is not about how much one is blessed with but how much one is prepared to share one's blessings with those that do not have {7 Is it not to break your bread to the hungry, that you should bring the wandering poor home? When will you see the naked and cover him, and you will not hide yourself from your flesh? (Isaiah 57:7HRB}You see a man buying a fleet of cars from the tithe and offering money he received, yet members of his congregation have no food and their children are not going to school as they cannot afford to pay only 20 dollars per month school fees, yet they tithe to the church every month.

Their pastor would beat his chest saying, "I am a man of God and I am blessed". Shame on you. Was your blessings not meant to be shared with those who don’t have? A true believer is the one who puts the word into action as a Doer.
 You don't need a law of tithing to teach you to give your struggling brother from the heart neither to give the church, remember James 4:17 Just the knowledge that the place of meeting you use needs rent to be paid or your brother needs food and you do not act, to you it is a sin. But when you give {7 Each one as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity, for YAHWEH loves a cheerful giver {2 Corinthians 9:7HRB} Be in a true religion which must be a way of life.

Warning To You Mr Preacher Man

To you Mr. Preacher man, you have told your congregates that if they do not tithe they will not be blessed, but you have deliberately omitted the word which says {Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not of grief or of necessity, for Elohim loves a joyous giver {2Corinthians 9:7TS}You have failed to teach the importance of love, forgiveness and repentance now your church is full of the feel good Gospel's cheerers, unloving, unforgiving, unrepeated, unsaved, unbelieving, spiritually dead due to your deliberate omission of the word of truth. Yet you know very well that the scriptures say {But if you will not forgive men their transgressions, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions Matthew 6:15HRB} You have told the people that we are saved by Grace through Faith, but omitting to tell them that faith without works is dead (James 2:17) You have turned the supposedly House of ABBA Yah into a den of thieves. You have placed speed points and ATM Machines in the sanctuary to rob people their hard earned money.

 Selling to them your merchandise such as Holy Waters, Anointing Oils and other Religious Memorabilia. Shamelessly some brings the so called new and improved Anointing Oils to the gullible and weak in discerning the truth. What is the new ingredient that you have put in it which has improved these new and improved oils? Does your "Set-Apart Spirit" lose power from time to time hence the need of the improvement in the oil, you man of the hour, man of power, "Man of God"? Are you aware you are taking people back to idolatry by making them put their trust in a "Miracle in a Bottle" leading them like sheep to the slaughter? You preach to people to trust in your God in all things but when it comes to you, your trust is in bulletproof cars and human bodyguards.

 Is this not hypocrisy beloved "Man of God”? Where is your faith that you preach day and night? Are you aware of the word of our Messiah which says {28 and you should not fear the ones killing the body, but not being able to kill the soul. But rather fear Him being able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna {Matthew 10:28HRB} who are you afraid of more, man or your God, "Man of God”.

 You have allowed divorces among your congregates fooling them with words such as "God wants you to be happy" and encouraged them to put their trust and source of happiness which by the way is illusionary as they are led by the lust of the flesh, in the hands of men in courts, when the Scriptures say {Does anyone of you having a matter against his brother dare to be judged before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy to judge small affairs? {1Corinthians 6:1-2HRB} Are you aware of the word which states that, what Yahweh has put together in a marriage covenant let no man put apart? (Mark 10:9) Are the courts not manned by men? Does your God change due to circumstances, considering Yahweh's word which specifically says "I hate divorce"? (Malachi 2:16) The Scriptures teaches long-suffering could the marital problems your congregates are facing a way that Satan is trying those you are encourage to divorce, making him a winner and the Set-Apart Spirit a failure in the process and the word of Yahweh conditional? You have allowed unclean spirits in the sanctuary of the living Elohim due to your love of money by ignoring those that live unholy life because they are big tithers. You have allowed in your midst those who are cohabiting and homosexual without correcting them from this spirit of fornication and lust. Mr. Preacher man the word of God rebukes you.

 It is written {Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened graves which outwardly indeed appear beautiful, but within are full of bones of the dead, and of all uncleanness {Matthew 23:27HRB}Repent My brother whilst you have a chance and do the right thing because the time is so near and He is Coming Soon like a thief. Remember we who teach will be judged more strictly. (James

Wise up

"It’s my life, It’s my time, no one should tell me what to do", says the foolish son of man. Do you know the breath that you boast about is actually a loan to you so that you can make amends for that which was lost from the beginning.

Yahweh's aim was to share His breath with us in oneness, in truth and in spirit with one thought and one life for eternity. This plan has been lost to the sons of man, when man started to pursue that which does not bring him to the plan of Yahweh but drive him away from it (Jeremiah 29:11).

Even when the Messiah prayed to ABBA Yah he prayed for the same plan of oneness. It is written{23 I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected in one; and that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them, even as You loved Me. {John 17:23HRB}What a glorious offer on the table for the son of man which angels were never offered. It is written {4 what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him? 5 For You have made him lack a little from Elohim; and have crowned him with glory and honor {Psalm 8:4-5HRB} Even during the creation of man Yahweh did not give us any breath different from His as it was and still His desire that we are in Him and Him in us. (1John 4:4) It is written {7 And YAHWEH Elohim formed the man from the dust of the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul {Genesis 2:7HRB}

This was Yahweh's plan for oneness until man used his breath, just as today to seeking his own enlightenment outside the parameters drawn by Yahweh of which Yahweh intended man to live forever in partnership with Him.

But man wanted to enjoy both side of the equation, wanting to enjoy the breath from Yahweh but live independent from Him. Just like today man need so much blessings and good health from Yahweh but do not want to fellowship and obey Him. If man is to fellowship then he demands that it must be at his own term not Elohim. How foolish are you son of man? Just imagine every time you breathe in you receive the breath from Yahweh, and when you breathe out, you give it back to Yahweh. This process carries on, until the Giver of breath holds the breath back and then you are dead.

Death out of Yahweh 's will is eternal death as Yahweh will hold His breath from you forever. We need a wakeup call my brethren, meaning we are living on borrowed breath. Sadly enough many do not consider that fact. Have you ever heard anyone who died in an inhaling position? Not at all.

All and everything living dies in exhaling position have you ever thought of that? That entire means is we are living on borrowed breath. So my brethren, what are you doing today this hour this minute and this second with your borrowed breath? If Yahweh was to withhold His breath from you today will it just be for a while as in "asleep" according to the scriptures or will be in the "Lake of Fire " eternal death? Remember it is written "He comes like a thief" (Revelations 16:15).

If you say I will praise Him tomorrow what if He withholds His breath from you today without you confessing your sins, without forgiving your brethren, without you honoring your parents, without you loving your spouse without you teaching your children the way to grow up in Yahweh? There is no praises from the grave {17 The dying do not praise YAHWEH, nor all those who go down into silence {Psalm 115:17HRB}

Remember it is written {29 You hide Your face, and they are troubled; You gather their breath, and they expire and return to their dust {Psalm 104:29HRB} Remember also its written {4 Behold, they are all My souls. As the soul of the father, also the soul of the son, they are mine. The soul that sins, it shall die {Ezekiel 18:4HRB} which soul are you the one that dies or the one that live.

 My brethren, wise up!

Are You A Miracle Monger ?

Is your deity short of miracles or you residing in a spiritually bad coverage area? Do you have to go to a higher place to receive miracles, like cell phone network in a bad coverage area?

If your faith is as small as a mustard seed wouldn't you be able to uproot a sycamore tree according to the scriptures? Or you need someone else’s to move your mountain for you contrary to the word? My brethren Yahweh our Elohim only operates through His word. Hence it is written "Without faith it is impossible to please Him ".
 If you have faith can you really board a plane to a far-far land in order to get miracles from a "Man of God" there? Is your trust in "Miracles in a bottle" thing? Yes that "Man of God" is not omnipresent.

Is your deity also not omnipresent or it’s a question of not having faith? What is having faith? We read an example of having faith from a centurion in the scriptures. Do you have such faith? It is written {5 And Yahshua, entering into Capernaum, a centurion came near to Him, begging Him, 6 and saying, Master, my child has been laid in the house, paralyzed and seriously in pain. 7 And Yahshua said to him, I will come and heal him. 8 And answering, the centurion said, Master, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only speak a word and my child will be healed. 9 For I am also a man under authority, having soldiers under myself. And I say to this one, Go; and he goes; and to another, Come; and he comes; and to my slave, do this; and he does it.

10 And hearing, Yahshua marveled, and said to those following, Truly I say to you, not even in Israel did I find such faith {Matthew 8:5-10HRB}The man trusted that the healing of her daughter was not hindered by distance as long as the word of YahShua goes forth as it was backed by Yahweh who is omnipresent. My brethren be careful to worship "man making miracle" than believing the Word of Yahweh wherever you are. Here is my testimony: There was a time in my life I was seriously financially disadvantage by the God of this world. I called upon Yahweh for deliverance. I needed R4300 as it was of extremely importance; I prayed Yahweh's word that says "Never again shall my people be shamed". I then said "Father I will not beg, borrow or ask anyone for you said never again shall my people be shamed. You said you will meet me at every point of my need. Here I am in need right now." Yahweh answered me the very next day. But the answer comes through my partner she suggested that I go and check our bank account if there was money in the account.
 I was offended as I thought my partner was mocking me, as she very well knew the predicament we were both in. I asked her if she did put money in the account, she replied negative. I then ignored her word not knowing it was not hers, but the answer to my prayer. For the next four days I was in agony in anticipation of a miracle and everyday she would make the same suggestion to a deaf ear. Until on the day the money was due I then said in my heart let me just go to the ATM and check and shut her up once and for all. When I did I found out that although my account was overdrawn the bank had reversed all the charges and there was a deposit of exactly the amount we needed done four days earlier. I called my partner to tell her she "freaked out" more than me, yet she is the one whom Yahweh answered me through. I was stubborn, I judged the messenger not the message. How often do we ask and Yahweh answers but we want the answer to come in a particular way by a specific person in line with our own way of thinking thereby not taking advantage of the miracle.
 Then we go seeking it in far-far places instead of just listening to His Word. Wherever we are our miracle is right next to us when the Word of Yahweh come forth. It cannot be hindered by distance or circumstances or package. Because He is alive in us and greater is He as He lives in us than the one in far-far places. My brethren Yahweh is performing miracles even today but are you ready to receive it are you ready to accept the messenger carrying the miracle or the package the miracle is packaged? If not you are very far from receiving one. Hence you are searching from Ministry to Ministry from crusade to crusade making you a miracle junk. Don’t look gift horses in the mouth otherwise you will miss your miracle.